Overall layout of 5G industry chunxing seiko, anjie technology and other hardware manufacturers are





Mobile world congress 2018 is being held in Shanghai today.5G(fifth-generation mobile communication technology) is undoubtedly a highlight of the conference. Almost all speakers will mention the content of 5G, and the booths related to it are crowded with attendees.Chen zhaoxiong, vice minister of the ministry of industry and information technology, said that with the official release of 5G independent networking standards, the first phase of standardization has been basically completed, and global 5G has entered a comprehensive industrial sprint stage.According to the timetable given by the three major operators, 5G commercial use is expected to be realized in 2020.

3GPP has just approved the freezing of the independent networking functions of the fifth generation mobile communications technology standard (5G NR), marking the official launch of the first truly complete international 5G standard.The freeze of the SA standard enables 5G NR to be deployed independently and brings a new end-to-end architecture, bringing new business models to operators and industry partners.

Huang yuhong, deputy director of the China mobile research institute, said the launch of 5G independent networking is aimed at promoting the ability of independent networking standards to become truly commercial and pushing end-to-end products to mature as soon as possible.

Both at home and abroad are accelerating the development of 5G.Multiple favorable policies have boosted 5G concept plate, and related stocks chunxing jinggong (002547), hengtong optoelectronics (600487), anjie technology (002635), guangbao technology (870027) and other listed companies have attracted high market attention.

According to the 2018 white paper on the development of 5G industry and application in China released by cidi consultants, due to the high 5G network capacity and full spectrum access demand, large-scale antenna technology, antenna rf module integration, small and micro base stations and indoor distribution are the main direction of base station system evolution.The white paper predicts that by 2026, the three sectors will have a market size of 85.5 billion yuan, 64.125 billion yuan and 105 billion yuan.

In addition, the white paper predicts that by 2026, the market size of 5G in optical fiber and cable, optical modules and network planning operation and maintenance will reach 88.92 billion yuan, 99.75 billion yuan and 130 billion yuan.Hengtong optoelectronics (600487), the largest system integrator and network service provider in the field of optical fiber and cable in China, has carried out research and development of 25/100g silicon optical module, 5G/6G rf and microwave front-end chip technology.In 2017, the total market share of hengtong optoelectronics and its collective products ranking among the three major operators rose and achieved high performance growth. According to the 2017 annual report, the company achieved revenue of 25.95 billion yuan in 2017, up 34.45% year on year.Net profit of 2.109 billion yuan, up 60.20% year on year, maintaining high growth rate for three consecutive years.

Anjie technology (002635) is one of the 5 functional device suppliers designated by apple.According to previous reports, the company's total supply accounted for about 10% of apple's total purchase of functional devices, and its supply almost covered apple products, including flagship products such as iPad, iPhone and iMac. The company's supply of ipads accounted for more than 70% of its total supply to apple.

Goertek inc. was registered and established in weifang administration for industry and commerce on June 25, 2001.The company's business scope includes development, manufacturing, wireless communication technology and related products.The company is a provider of integrated acoustic solutions for micro electro-acoustic components and consumer electro-acoustic products. At present, apple, samsung, Sony and nokia are all customers of the company.

According to the plan of the ministry of industry and information technology, 5g-related products of supply chain enterprises will reach commercial capacity by the end of this year, pre-commercial in 2019, and large-scale commercial in 2020.At present, the three major operators have carried out the construction of 5G test network in various cities and conducted a number of tests.On the other hand, huawei, vivo and lenovo have all said they expect to launch the first 5G phone in the second half of 2019.It is worth noting that chunxing seiko (002547), as a high quality supplier of the three enterprises mentioned above, has completed the business layout of mobile communication rf devices and consumer electronics precision light metal structural parts, etc., making full preparations to meet the demand of 5G orders of the company's major consumer electronics customers.The company's rf device business will be driven by the comprehensive arrival of 5G to increase profits, usher in a further development opportunity.

Guangbao technology (870027), which is mainly related to the manufacturing process of electronic products, has ushered in a period of rapid development.As a leading enterprise in dispensing machine industry, its products are mainly used in communications, consumer electronics, SMT/ EMS and other high-end manufacturing of high-precision non-contact injection dispensing, chip cutting, UV curing, intelligent production line, etc., customers include apple, samsung, LG, asus, licun precision and other well-known enterprises at home and abroad.

China mobile pointed out in a report that China can sell nearly 500 million mobile phones a year. Last year, 100 million cellular modules were sold.

China is expected to have 576 million 5G users by 2025, accounting for more than 40 percent of the global total, according to the report 'China sets sail to lead global 5G' released by ernst & young.The report said the 5G network promotion strategy is not as aggressive as 4G, which means China's 5G services will take the route of gradual promotion over a long period of time.Ernst & young expects China's 5G capital expenditure to reach 1.5 trillion yuan between 2019 and 2025.


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