Gree dong mingzhu: I'm living a good life





营收下滑400亿后 格力董明珠:我活得好得很


Recently, dong mingzhu, chairman of gree electric appliances (000651, SZ), gave dong mingzhu the first lesson of 'we media open class' on the topic of '2016 enterprise dilemma and break' in guangzhou.

In 2015, after gree's revenue plummeted by nearly 40 billion yuan, dong mingzhu again talked about the 1 billion yuan bet with lei jun in open class. 'everyone said dong mingzhu was dead.Rest assured, he will lose in the end.The real dilemma lies in the heart. As long as there is no dilemma in the heart, all difficulties are not difficult.'

In the open class, dong mingzhu again showed out the gree 2 generation mobile phone.According to the reporter, gree 2 generation mobile phone field to accept pre-orders, but the product will be on the market on June 1.

'He's going to lose.'

'Recently people have commented that I am a 'web celebrity', web celebrity is web celebrity, and I want to tell the truth.Everyone says dong mingzhu is dead, but I'm still standing here talking today. I'm living a good life.'Dong mingzhu talked about the 1 billion yuan bet with lei jun in an open class on May 15 after gree electric appliances suffered a sharp drop in revenue in 2015.

In December 2013, lei jun, chairman of xiaomi, and dong mingzhu made a '1 billion bet' on CCTV's '2013 China economic person of the year award', betting 'whether the turnover of xiaomi can beat gree in 5 years'.Although later lei jun and dong mingzhu are said to be a 'joke', but the bet has been concerned by the outside world.

'But rest assured, he will lose in the end.'Dong mingzhu said.

It is worth noting that behind dong mingzhu's remarks, however, gree electric appliances 2015 'not satisfactory' performance.According to the annual report of gree electric appliances, the company realized the total revenue of 100.564 billion yuan in 2015, down 28.17% year on year and nearly 40 billion yuan compared with 140.05 billion yuan in 2014.

Dong mingzhu said in the face of gree's performance last year, 'a person's greatest success is to dare to face, without such a mind is difficult to do a good business.'But at the same time, although the theme of this open class is 'enterprise dilemma and breaking the game', dong mingzhu does not seem to admit that gree electric appliances is facing difficulties.

'By 2015, it had dropped by more than 39 billion yuan. If you look at the companies with revenue of 1 billion yuan, that's 39 companies.Every enterprise should fully understand its current situation, whether the enterprise has problems is its own judgment.It is often said that this person is not good, very beautiful outside, but has cancer, although I wear a bit of wear, but strong physique.So what we often find in the market is that the business is good and then all of a sudden it's gone, it's been a long time, it just hasn't been said.'Dong mingzhu said.

Dong mingzhu attributed the decline in performance last year to the price adjustment of gree air conditioning.She told the live media that last year the market to 18 billion yuan.'I'm afraid to make too much money because I have the lowest profit in this industry.'

'Sales fell by more than 39 billion yuan in 2015, but we achieved the highest market share ever, reaching 50 percent.Our net profit margin was also up year on year last year, which shows that internal management is working.'Dong mingzhu said.

For the transformation of gree electric appliances, dong mingzhu believes, 'one is efficiency, the other is quality.'

Dong mingzhu borrowed from 'we media' to play marketing

In many transformation of gree electric appliances, the trend of gree mobile phone has been closely watched.The reporter learned that on April 19, dong mingzhu revealed the real phone photo of gree 2 through its 'we media' platform.Dong mingzhu said she had been using gree mobile phone for four months and had made nearly 100 Suggestions.

On May 15, dong mingzhu also unambiguously brought IH rice cooker, 'painting times' air conditioning and other gree products, through open class to play promotional activities.The second generation of gree mobile phone also appeared again.

The reporter learned from gree on-site staff that, compared to the low price of the first generation of gree mobile phone, the pre-sale price of this mobile phone is set at 3300 yuan, audience can book, but need to June 1 after the product on the market to get the goods.

In fact, after dong mingzhu proposed to do mobile phones, the market is more skeptical of this decision.'Many people say the mobile phone market is a red sea,' dong mingzhu said in response. 'I think the red sea is not up to the market, but up to you.You do better than others in this industry, there is no red sea, technology, quality, integrity are worse than others, you are the red sea.For me, the only red sea is not to challenge myself, for no other reason.'

Sun yanbiao, director of the research institute of first-hand computer industry, told reporters that the mobile phone brands in China that currently exceed 2,000 yuan are mostly sold by big brands such as apple, samsung and huawei.In his opinion, the real purpose of gree to make mobile phones is to improve the concept of smart home by mobile phones, and to start the air conditioning market to serve its main air conditioning industry.

The reporter noticed that dong mingzhu posted on her 'we media' platform a few days ago netizens' Suggestions on the sub-brand of gree 2nd-generation mobile phone, and formally collected the brand name of gree 2nd-generation mobile phone.Therefore, gree mobile phone will not rule out the use of other sub-brands


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